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Monday, April 10, 2006

O porque deste blogue? / The reason for this blog

Este blogue nasceu de uns rabiscos que fiz nas minhas viagens em transportes públicos na grande metrópole que é Lisboa, para ilustrar o meu blogue pessoal. O Mafarrico Mafarricus, porém, excedeu largamente os propósitos e ganhou uma vida muito própria. Aqui ficam os meus rabiscos, à disposição de quem os quiser ver e levar...

A mafarrico is a small devilish creature, which in Portugal is associated to all sorts of unfortunate events and tricks of the devil. This little creature was drawed in a moment's inspiration in a train to my personal blog... and somehow gained a life of it's own. So, here it is, for all those of you who want to see it and take it "home" with you.


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